
Digital Point Ads

Digital Point Ads Review

Digital Point Ads is an advertising delivery system that allows advertisers to bid on ad space from site owners directly. In addition to banner ads, the system also has the ability to deliver inline keyword based text link ads and ads within emails that were already being sent anyway (the system does not send emails just to display an ad… if you are looking for an email spamming system, look elsewhere).

No Risk Whatsoever – If advertisers aren’t buying ad space on your site, the system can be set to simply run your normal Google AdSense ads. You don’t need to manually insert/remove ads. The system does it automatically as necessary, just copy/paste a little JavaScript code to install the system on your site. Pricing for your ad space is market driven with a complete bidding system that advertisers can utilize (you of course can set minimum bids).

Control How Your Ads Are Delivered – It’s your site, we think you should have complete control over how your ads look. Beyond the normal stuff like colors, you can fine-tune things like border radius, specify insertion animations, etc. You can check out the ad builder to see how customizable your ads can be. Before an ad is displayed on your site, you get to approve/deny each and every ad that an advertiser submits to run on your site.

Instant Payments – Advertisers pay you directly. This means you get your money instantly.

Technical Benefits:

  • Efficient – Regardless of how many ads you display on a single page, only one request from the client is needed to fill all ad spaces. This means your page loads ultra fast;
  • Lightweight – Depending on how many ads you display on your page, the network traffic sent to the end users for ad delivery is between 10-15k per PAGE VIEW. If you compare this to AdSense, AdSense needs more than 100k PER AD. So 3 Digital Point Ads on a single page would take ~10k and 2 HTTP requests vs. ~350k and 11 HTTP requests for Google AdSense;
  • Modern – It’s not the 90s anymore, we don’t use IFRAMES to deliver ads. Ads are rendered within the normal DOM tree of your page;
  • Non-Blocking – Ads are not inserted until AFTER your page has rendered (other ad systems slow your page because they load while the page is still rendering);
  • Makes AdSense Better – If there are no Digital Point Ads to display and the system inserts your AdSense ads, it’s done so after the page renders (the content of your page will load faster);
  • Responsive Banners – Banners support fully responsive sizes (variable banner sizes based on the width of the browser window);
  • HTTPS / SPDY – Ad serving is fully supported over HTTPS as well as SPDY.

Company Name: Digital Point Ads
Payment Frequency:



United States

Payment Method:


Minimum Payment: N/A
Site Info:

Alexa Whois  StatsCrop

Commission Type:



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