MiKandi is an uncensored Android-only adult apps store. We try not to censor or restrict you from distributing adult apps.
Calling all adult app developers, writers, and artists! Tired of getting blocked and censored by mainstream app stores? MiKandi is the leading adult-only mobile marketplace that helps you market and monetize your adult apps, games, and ebooks to millions of customers worldwide. Leverage the power of our turn-key content hosting, processing, and mobile delivery platform.
For Android APKs (apps and Android games), MiKandi’s rev-share is 65% to the publisher, 35% to MiKandi. For Comics and eBooks distributed through our comic and ebook readers, the rev-share is split 50/50 between the publisher and MiKandi.
MiKandi pays the previous month’s sales in the current month. For example if you earned over the minumum USD by the end of this month, we will pay you on or by the 15th next month.
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