Adcy works with the best in Traffic Quality. The most intelligent solution for buying and selling verified search and display across devices is also the easiest now. As an online advertising network, we are able to reach customers through various channels, including search, display and social media. Adcy always connects you with genuine advertisers and publishers. In a short span of time we could see many happy faces all across the Globe. That proves who we are and the quality of service we provide.
Adcy publisher solutions maximize site revenue through targeted advertising inventory and innovative technology. Adcy offers publishers numerous channels to monetize their traffic. These channels include Text, Display and Search. Through a simple user interface, Adcy publisher program provides access to a rich inventory and variety of advertisers. Publishers generate revenue based on qualified traffic, which your traffic sources generate for Adcy’s advertisers.
Advertising on Adcy will connect you to customers through a variety of channels and formats, all designed to meet your specific campaign goals. Each month, Adcy reaches 100 million unique visitors. We manage more than 40 billion monthly page views through our network of 100+ traffic sources. Your ads can appear both in the US and internationally. Adcy ensures your campaign receives only the highest valued traffic.
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