CoinURL – We offer interstitial and banner advertising. Interstitial ads let you monetize links, even if you don’t own the target website. They can also be placed on a web page with an overlay script, allowing you to earn on any visitor simply by having them visit the page. Interstitial ads are billed using a pay per impression system and are better suited for increasing the advertiser’s brand awareness. Banner ads fitted for websites bring in users who are genuinely interested in the advertiser’s product. They are billed with the popular pay per click system.
Link publishers get rewarded for each unique click made on the shortened link. This differs from some other paid link shroteners that only pay for unique visitors. For example, if the same person clicks ten shortened links, you will get paid for ten clicks (other services may only pay you for one click in this case). Website owners get paid for each unique click on the banner placed on their websites. Only unique clicks are being counted for this type of advertising, unlike the interstitial system.
We pay 5% of revenue from ad purchases and 1% of link publisher and website owner earnings if the user registered with your referral link. We also offer to resell our vouchers for Bitcoins and real currency, so you can make 0% profit!